Recover the BIOS on a Compaq CQ45-107TX
The following is a discription of how to recover the BIOS on a CQ45-107TX running the InsydeH2O EFI BIOS using a USB thumb drive.
Obtained the correct BIOS file, HP seem to provide many different BIOS’s. For instance the BIOS for CQ45-107AU is not the same as CQ45-107TX.
For the CQ45-107TX I used the Insyde BIOS version F.04 file 30F7F04.FD then Renamed the file 30F7F04.FD to 30F7.BIN and placed it on a USB thumb drive.Disconnected the AC adapter from the notebook.Removed the battery from the notebook.Inserted the USB thumb drive into one of the USB ports on the notebook.
Didn’t seem to matter which one.
Obtained the correct BIOS file, HP seem to provide many different BIOS’s. For instance the BIOS for CQ45-107AU is not the same as CQ45-107TX.
For the CQ45-107TX I used the Insyde BIOS version F.04 file 30F7F04.FD then Renamed the file 30F7F04.FD to 30F7.BIN and placed it on a USB thumb drive.Disconnected the AC adapter from the notebook.Removed the battery from the notebook.Inserted the USB thumb drive into one of the USB ports on the notebook.
Didn’t seem to matter which one.
- Held down the ‘Windows’ Key and the ‘B’ key.
- Connected the AC adapter.
Pressed the ‘Power’ button on the notebook. - When the LEDs came on, let go of power button and the two keys held down earlier.
On the CQ45-107TX the touch pad LED came on as amber (disabled) instead of the normal white (enabled). - After about 10 seconds the notebook started reading the USB thumb drive.
While searching for the file the notebook beeped once a second. The number of beeps varied, depending on how big the thumb drive was and the number of files on the thumb drive, from just one beep to many. If the file was not found, the notebook would reset itself and try again.If the file was found then it took about 12 seconds for the notebook to load it.No beeping sounds heard during the loading time. - When loaded the notebook started flashing, indicated by beeps every 2 seconds. This took about 32 seconds.
- About 5 seconds after the beeping had stopped the notebook shutdown.
- BIOS worked normally thereafter.
Some notes:
The BIOS files appear to be in this format
| || ||_|_____ EFI BIOS file
| ||_|________ Version number
|__|___________ Model specific
Therefore I would guess if you had a CQ45-115AU and your BIOS flash file was 30FBF21.FD then you would probably rename it to 30FB.BIN for use with the USB thumb drive. But I don’t know for sure.
Thumb drive formats.
A 128M thumb drive formatted with FAT16 worked okay.
A 16GB thumb drive formatted with FAT32 worked okay.
No beeping sound
It is possible that you will not hear any beeping at all in which case you should still observe the USB drive LED blinking on and off while loading the BIOS file then, if successful, the computer will shut itself down within 1 minute.
Buat yang blm menemukan linknya donlot bios, ada disini
silahkan dimasukkan sesuai model, kemudian di driver cari yang vista 32 bit, ada kok disitu banyak macam driver, pilih bios
semoga berguna, cheers
Om Dadi klo recover bios buat CQ45-110AU ada gak...?
Ane dapet dari situs resminya koq filenya sp49569.exe...
Mohon pencerahannya
-Q- (ID waktu di MoLo..:P)
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