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NOKIA S40 Java Prov Maker

Bagi yang punya ponsel Nokia S40 Series, pasti akan kesulitan kalau ingin menggunakan setingan proxy yang non standar. Berikut ini adalah cara membuat setingan proxy (file .prov).Type hape yg termasuk S40 adalah:
2330, 2700, 3600slide(baru), 5000, 5130, 5200, 5220, 5300, 5310, 5610, 6300, 6500, 6600slide(baru), 6600fold, 6600 8Mp, 6700c, 7210supernova, 7310supernova, 7390, 7610supernova, dan lain-lain.
Jika type hape anda seperti diatas untuk menggunakan setingan proxy non standar harus menggunakan java proxy( file .prov ).

Cara 1 :

1. Download dulu prov generator provmaker.rar.
2. Extract,  trus jalankan programnya
3. Isikan parameter yang di perlukan (Namasetingan/APN/IP Proxy/Port) lalu Generate.
4. Kirim  file yang sudah terbentuk tadi ke HP S40 anda.
5. Buka file di yang sudah terkirim di ponsel, dan lakukan install.
6. Lalu pilih pengaturan konfigurasi gprs di ponsel anda

Cara 2 :
1. Kunjungi (lebih praktis melalui ponsel)
2. Masukkan parameter yang diperlukan
3. Donlod dan install di ponsel

Demikian Semoga bermanfaat.


Speed up the display of Delphi list components

If you use a Delphi component like a ListBox, Memo, TreeList, ListView,... and you add or modify a lot of items (lines, nodes,...), the component's performance becomes very slow. This is due to the fact that after each change, it is redrawn on the screen.

Thus, modifying 10000 items of a ListBox causes 10000 redraws, and that takes from several seconds to several minutes, depending on the computer's speed and the complexity of the process. Imagine how slow it can become if the process involves inserting, deleting, modifying and swapping many thousands of items.

But you can speed up things enormously with the following tip:

Call BeginUpdate before making the changes to the items. When all changes are complete, call EndUpdate to show the changes on screen. BeginUpdate and EndUpdate prevent excessive redraws and speed up processing time when items are added, deleted, or inserted.

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